Thursday, June 24, 2010

Contest Time!

Okay, small backstory first. My friend Randy, who finds the damndest websites, discovered one called "Linkbait", which is designed to create purposely outrageous ideas for blog posts -- or perhaps just as ads to get folks to come read one's blog.

So I ran "two gay men from Canada", and here's what I got.

Now, sure, all of these are funny, but they would also make great cartoon fodder.

So, dear reader, this is where you step in. In the comments section, pick one and tell me why you think Doc and Raider should share their six depraved sexual fetishes or their ten ways of getting you a date. I'll take the highest vote-getter and randomly choose one from everyone who gave me a reason why that particular one should win... and, in addition to making it a storyline for a week, we'll have a little prize for you.

We'll let this run until Canada Day. That's midnight EST, July 1. Only comments put in this blogpost and at a contest-specific thread at PanHistoria will be considered part of the competition, although if you want to tell your friends at FaceBook that they have the opportunity to do something very twisted with guys they'll never meet.. hey, go for it.

Let the twistedness begin!


  1. I'm dying to know the 7 important things we can learn from two gay men from Canada! I'll bet at LEAST one of them will involve hair product! :)

  2. "6 depraved sexual fetishes"? Oh, good Lord, that's an episode of epic Lucy/Ethel proportion...

  3. I wanna know why they should give us nightmares. Mostly 'cause I'm curious what you'd think up. I mean, they're so cute and friendly... what's to give nightmares?

  4. Of course we need to know the top (or bottom) 6 depraved sexual fetishes involving two gay men from Canada - it's got FaceBook and iPhone APP written all over it. "I matched 5 of 6 D+R DSFs!" will be the new "how kinky are you?". And then there's the follow-up contest to name the next 4 depraved sexual fetishes involving two gay men from Canada.

    Then you branch out:
    "6 depraved sexual fetishes involving two lesbians from Canada"

    "6 depraved sexual fetishes involving three gay Republicans"


  5. 8 myths Hollywood wants you to believe ... But any of these, really, could be fodder for some great cartoons...

  6. OMG, the first one just made me giggle. "Unbelievable ways that 2 gay men from Canada have been used by the military"?!

    What?! Stealth infiltration gays to South Carolina? Ninja Gays? Gays Who Stare At Goats???!!

    And then there's the whole "used" thing... uhm used pleasurably? Did it get filmed? Might be both erotic and educational.


  7. As a relative newcomer to your series, I love its positive affirmation aspect. I would love for you to take the high road and give us "7 important things we can learn from 2 Gay men in Canada." You are allowed to digress and finish up the Hillary series and give commentary on the G8/20 meetings.

    so when will we get to see a collection of your series in book form?

  8. Dennis, welcome!

    A book? Got me, ace. I'm thinking of maybe an eBook for the iPad, but I need to find out the way that stuff is iDone.

  9. of course I would need to know how they can help me get a date, we both know the incredible success I have had!!

  10. Sean:
    Check out - now part of Amazon. Or for traditional paper, see the companies listed at

  11. It has got to be the 10 ways that two gay men are going to cause civilization to collapse. After all they are the epitome of what the religious right say are what is the root of all evil to day.

    1) They're gay.
    2) They're married.
    3) They're openly gay (icky redeux).
    4) They're HAPPY!!! This has evil written all over it.

    BTW: Check out Lexcycle for info about epub:

  12. I dunno, it seems to me that "six depraved sexual fetishes involving two gay men from Canada" is so Been There Done That. It's pretty much everywhere. I'd love to see a primer on ten ways to get a date. With your guys, this could be especially interesting. Somewhere in there, we need Table Six.

  13. Hey Pookie - It's all about 10 ways they can destroy civilization so that John and I can get started on it ASAP!

  14. This is a great idea Sean
    I just read about the contest today but I will have something to you in a few hours.
    I'm writing 7 important things we can learn from 2 gay men

  15. I bet I know...cause at least ONE of them...or MORE...knowing D&R...involves some type of male/male combat, right?

  16. Hey, while that might be fun, it's not guaranteed... :-)
